Ashore Travel

Giving Thanks at Cumberland Island

We got in relatively early in the day and found a perfect spot to anchor off the Sea Camp dock. The current runs hard through much of Georgia, and it’s typical for boats to hang into the flow of the current rather than into the wind. In places where this is the case, like at […]

Travel Under Way

Crazy Ivans and Dancing with Dolphins

Our time in Charleston was awesome, but we were looking forward to continuing our progress south. The one thing we were NOT looking forward to was our dock departure. We were on one of the finger piers in the litter box with monohulls in front of and behind us, and two catamarans on the next […]

Ashore Travel

Chillin’ in Charleston

I’m always excited to get to Charleston – it’s one of our favorite cities and it feels like real progress to get here. We’re staying at the Charleston Harbor Resort and Marina, as we always do when we come through. The marina staff is friendly and competent (and the dock master knows his stuff), and […]

Travel Under Way

Game Time Decision

When every move you make is dictated by weather, what do you do when the models and actual conditions disagree? We check all the weather models available to us through Predict Wind, NOAA coastal forecasts, tropical activity, actual conditions reported by various weather stations, wave heights, rain and CAPE (convective available potential energy – an […]

Travel Under Way

Something Told the Wild Geese

Something told the wild geeseIt was time to go,Though the fields lay goldenSomething whispered, “snow.” Leaves were green and stirring,Berries, luster-glossed,But beneath warm feathersSomething cautioned, “frost.” All the sagging orchardsSteamed with amber spice,But each wild breast stiffenedAt remembered ice. Something told the wild geeseIt was time to fly,Summer sun was on their wings,Winter in their […]


…Play Hard

Don’t let that last post fool you – we’ve had plenty of time to play while we’ve been here too! Living at the club while we’re up north is awesome. We’re in a super-protected spot, we get to see our friends and make new ones, have dinner/drinks at the club and use the pool. There […]


Labor Day Weekend

It’s always sad to say goodbye to Block, but after breakfast we slipped the lines and headed for Fishers Island. It was an easy sail in variable breeze, and we were in no rush – we were still very much on island time. Chris picked a beautiful anchorage in East Harbor, which was quieter than […]

Ashore Travel

Back on Island Time

I thrive on island time – a big revelation for someone who used to live by day planner. I should have figured it out sooner – I grew up on the Cape when the pace was more akin to island time and have always loved the pace of island life – but somehow I’m just […]

Ashore Travel Under Way

Summer Cruising

Before we started cruising year-round, we used to take a two week cruise on the Sound, and we were excited to get back to that this year. We spent the weekend racing on our friend’s J/80, Upsetter, in Huguenot’s Governors and Mayors Cup races. Rushmore had some engine issues and canceled racing for the weekend, […]

Travel Under Way

First Sail on the Sound

Believe it or not, this was the first chance we’ve had to sail Windara on Long Island Sound. Last year, the rudder repairs and macerator install kept us from getting to sail all summer. This year, we’ve either been out racing or there’s been no wind to speak of. So when our Sunday race was […]